beautiful souls out there
I am
so happy to write the first post of this New Wonderful Year 2019, I am super
excited to welcome this new-year. Last year was wonderful I lunched my album “Ghazal
Ko Suvas” and I am happy to see your positive love and support. The album is
still on the way to many hearts. I am hopeful this year my words and music will
reach heart of all Nepali around the world. Last year we did many concerts
around the country with the name “Ghazal & Sufi Night” this year also we
will be conducting it in more large scale.
year we also have a plan to record some international music for the audience around
the world. Along with some chant and kirtan we also have plan to record a pagan
song. I completed my master degree on English Literature from Tribhuvan
University on 2018 so this year I will be exploring the outer world.
wish you will gather amazing moments this year. It is said that we don’t
remember the time in regular series rather we remember the moments that we create
in the middle of this time. I have known from my experience that traveling
brings must amazing insights to live happy life. I hope this year you will also
travel far wide to those destinations which you love. I also wish you not only
travel outside but enter the royal castle inside your heart. Because where ever
you go if you are not settled in your heart properly you never find peace or fun
in any journey.
will come years will go but if we find the balance in new and old, good and
bad, sad and happy moments then life always is a celebration. I hope you are
happy where ever you are.
best wishes for your upcoming opportunities, glory, beauty and harmony.
Friend Suvas Agam.
Pic Courtesy : aluxurytravelblog.com