Monday, 1 February 2016

Ramesh Harilatthak and our creations

On 10th of the month of Magh which is winter and full moon an organization called Anurag Literary Society of Rupandehi, Nepal announced the first ever Ramesh Memorial Prize. I was the one who was chosen for the award. Deep Milan called from Dubai and Nirmal Dhungana called from Butwal. It was a great honor to receive an award which was really nice thing.

In the contest of Nepali  singer Narayan Gopal, artist Manuj Babu Mishra, lyricist Kali Prasad Rijal or Ratna Shamsher or on the contest of Indian writer Guljar and singer Jaggit Singh, musician R D Burmen and singer Aasha Bhoshle all of above mentioned people  created great work of arts. What I am trying to say is that by the collaboration of writer and musician they create great work of art. If a musician gets a book from a random writer and starts composing music on that poem the singer or musician may not be able to create great music because he or she doesn't know the writer. So by the collaboration of these two could lead to great work of art. 

On the first meeting with Ramesh Harilatthak we also discussed on the same is sue to create an environment to create great literary works. For some extent we can see some work have been done on that direction but not on larger number. Being a musician I am also trying to make such collaborations with few writers like Dr. Ghanshyam Neupane Parishrami and Swami Shantam Shree. When singer and composer understands the feeling of writer and vice versa it helps to make great composition.  On the other hand musician also should give new ideas to writers and writers also should suggest new ways of composing music so that they both will creatively help each other. 
I met Ramesh Harilatthak for around 4 times , each meeting would be really inspiring and full of new ideas. After he left this body I am desperately searching those kind of young energetic persona. Thank you Ramesh ji for your short but sweet friendship. 

You are always in our heart. 

I would humbly request to musicians and writers to make a good friendship and share their work. So that each will know the need of both and the lacking that they see in their particular composition, either music or lyric. Till which date shall we say those days were amazing? Lets create new amazing days and amazing creations. 

Lots of Love 
Suvas Agam. 2072 Magh 18

What you seek is seeking you: Rumi


Cha ke ke lukeko sajal ti nayan maa

Creativity is the greatest rebellion in existence : Osho


I don't know what I think until I write it down: Joan Didion