Wednesday 26 August 2015

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam "the world is one family"

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam  "the world is one family" 

It was a pleasant sunny morning in Denmark , on 1st September the first assembly of our diploma college was about to start , we were given a book and was told to see a page where there was a song called "Imagine" written / composed & performed by John Lennon , when the whole college was singing including teachers , staffs & students each verse of that song broke me out , each word thrilled me so much that my eye burst into tears and wont stop until the song was finished , that day September 1st was my birth day too and actually that song gave a birth to a new man in me , since then i was no more that Suvas who heard that song , something new was born on me . 

Gradually , a mean patriotic in me died and a world-being came out of the cocone of my conditioning that was given to me by society and so called education , till that date I always had a feeling to become a great musical maestro in Nepali musical scene , but now onward I started composing music for all the being in universe . I just think some time just by listening a song one can change the whole prospective to see life I wounder what kind of impact does the negative news and stories going on around the society makes in our children and grownups too !

 In our part of world many of the SEERS who were said RISHIS , were a spiritual scientists  , sociologists and researchers who saw that we will go no further by spreading the poison of a nationality or patriotism so being open-minded they said :
वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

"the world is one family".

 सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः

सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः ।

सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु

मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् ।

 शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah

Sarve Santu Nir-Aamayaah |

Sarve Bhadraanni Pashyantu

Maa Kashcid-Duhkha-Bhaag-Bhavet |

Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

1: Om, May All become Happy,

2: May All be Free from Illness.

3: May All See what is Auspicious,

4: May no one Suffer.

5: Om PeacePeacePeace.

Bhavatu sabba mangalam - rakkhantu sabba devatâ
May there be all the auspices, may all the deities protect me/you;
Sabba Buddhanu bhâvena - sadâ sotthi bhavantu me 
By the power of all the Buddhas, may there be blessing to me/you

Great Master Osho says " you need a great courage to say so , as these verse say , you need to think and live life in very different manner to be such a compassionate to all the being in this existence , people may say that the one who can't fight only talks about forgiveness and peace , but actually fight and war is the instrument of distressed and afraid man , a contented and relaxed man would never fear rather out of fearlessness he will share love and compassion , and will promote peace because that's the ultimate path"

 It is no new news that all the inventions made in west today was already explored in East before the civilization started in west , and all of those discoveries were made just by seeing the pattern of breath going in and out of our body Called PRANAYAMA , and knowing all the mystery of world they never claimed for Novel Prizes or any PhD , rather lived in isolation in jungles with few disciples teaching that knowledge to pass it through the generation . 

They know the formula of missiles , warfare and instruments to make connection with peoples far far away , they know the science of broadcasting live events and many more , but they also know that this science & politics will lead civilization no more further rather will destroy the human clan . So they always lived with Dharma / Nature and in co-existence with society , politics & technology . 

The use of technology today & the social system have brought us to the verge of our destruction , today it is the time to ask our-self that , Are we in the right path ? Are we the 1st being in this existence to explore all this knowledge or there were other beings too who possessed the same knowledge or went more further . Its time to learn that we should rather live in harmony with nature or we extinct out of this existence . But being a fool , stupid and slave of politics & technology we are crawling around like a coward.

We need to understand that we are being used by the politicians all these years to fulfill their dirty needs and they always make people the token of dice , so it is very important to make a decision on your own , by using your wisdom .

© Art by : R K Thapa

It is not healthy at all to blame any one else for what have happened , better lets be optimist towards the situation , we can be compassionate to those politicians that how hard they are trying to make it work , and instead of blaming them lets prey for them and for our society that every thing is going to be all right at end and if still something is wrong then that's must not be end .

Today Nepal and Nepali are working for making a better constitution , but in the name of race and cast all are fighting , in this contest I will suggest all to rise above our small boundaries of thought and rise up and see the world as one family , millions of year before the RISHIS said that " the world is one family " and living in this very day we are fighting ? what have happened to us ? I was surprised by listening the song of John Lennon which was written 1971 AD where he imagined to make one world with no boundaries and positions and here we are fighting for a small village , I am more surprised when I see educated youths also being involved in politicians lead stupid and wrong projects . 

lets open our eye and see beyond the borders , the border and all which exists within our mind. Because 

" We can handle tons and ton of love and compassion but a small bit of hatred also is so heavy to bear." 

It leads us and our whole society to far far away . We go on saying that Buddha was born in Nepal , I don't see the meaning of saying so when we have no idea about the compassion that he tough to us . I am afraid today when my people fight in the name of Cast & Race, Let's Share Love instead of hatred and transform our hatred to love and creativity. You may think that you are alone , but small small drop of water makes the ocean and these tiny drops off love and compassion with clean the air we breath and slowly the whole existence with rejoice and dance with us and the world will be one with unwritten law and constitution . 

With Healing Love Light & Peace 

Suvas Agam

Friday 21 August 2015



a Neo Sannyashi / Modern Monk . a poetry writer and reader. a music & raiki healing teacher. the founder and co-director of Arambha Theatre. a witty banter enthusiast. a travel lover. a documentary filmmaker. a foodie. a playwright. a singer. a songwriter. a photographer. a theater actor . a author & editor for the blog & up coming Novel . a Libra. a mediocre driver at best. a musical theater geek. a smoothie expert. the son of a Leftist father . a South East Asian. a introvert . an alum of the Shree Daunne Higher Secondary School Gyanvatika and a undergraduate of the Ratna Rajya Laxmi Campus .Student of Tribhuvan University Masters Program in the English Literature. an Authorized Modern Singer of Radio Nepal . 

Suvas Agam's Ghazal , Chant , New-Age Song , Jamming , Concert & Spiritual Video Playlist as featured on YouTube homepage. See Here YouTube

Interview of Suvas Agam on Achyut Ghimire's radio show Bulbul at Ujyalo 90 FM Jaulakhel, Nepal on 6th & 13th June 2012  with Many Live Ghazal records too . These series of interview are the milestone that made him know to world.  
Bulbul Episode 145 , Bulbul Episode 146   

In Sound Cloud you will see Suvas's song Playlist. That you can hear, download and share with friends . Click here Sound Cloud

An exclusive interview of Suvas Agam at Tinau 98.2 FM Butwal, Nepal on 6th Nov 2012 Tuesday . The program was hosted by Ashok Gautm Kshitiz on show called Sparsha . 
Chick here for  INTERVIEW

An exclusive Live Ghazal Concert and Interview with Suvas Agam and Ram Atul along with few ghazal lovers at Synergy FM 91.6 MHz Chitwan, Nepal on 1st March 2014 Saturday . Program was hosted by Bhawana Pathak . Click here for INTERVIEW

Visit Suvas's Fan Page at Facebook , See many pictures of concert . Like it and tell friends too. Click here  FaceBook Fan Page


 In My Space you will see Suvas's song Playlist. That you can hear, download and share with friends . Click here  My Space

Get connected with Suvas through Instagram . Click here 

Get connected with Suvas through Twitter . See his latest tweets. Click Here Twitter

Here you can see the articles by Suvas Agam on Spiritual , Sustainable Alternative Lifestyle , Literal , Musical & Many More Topics. Click Here  Blogger

Tuesday 18 August 2015

परम प्रति समर्पित ग़ज़ल - दिव्य ग़ज़ल : इश्क-ए-हकीकी

दिव्य ग़ज़ल : इश्क-ए-हकीकी
 परम प्रति समर्पित ग़ज़ल - दिव्य ग़ज़ल : इश्क-ए-हकीकी 

गजल उर्दू साहित्यको लोकप्रिय विधा हो। कारण हो, यसले आफूमा सम्हालेको मानवीय मर्म( प्रेम। यहि प्रेमभावको, सेरोफेरोमा, वरिपरि र सन्निकट रहेर गजलको रचना हुन्छ। यद्यपि आजभोलि अन्य विषयपनि गजलले समेट्न थालिसकेको छ। तैपनि, गजल भन्ने बितिक्कै प्रेमभाव र श्रृङगार रसनै यसका पर्याय हुन्। 

अनुभवीका मुखबाट सुनिन्छ, प्रेममा घाइते नभएको र प्रेमले नबौरिएको जीवन के जीवन ? तसर्थ गजल, लेखन भन्दापनि प्रेममय जीवनको एउटा जीवनशैली या अनुभूति हो। प्रेमका दुस्साहसी (दिवाना) हरूले, प्रेमको काहालीलाग्दो खाँचको डर मात्र चाखेका छैनन्, यसको दिव्य टाकुरामा समयसिमा नाघेर समाधिस्थ भएको अनुभवपनि सङ्गालेका छन्। त्यसैले सूफी परम्परामा प्रेमको अनुभवलाई दुई किसिमबाट बयान गरिएको छ। ती हुन्,  

 इश्क्-ए-मजाजी र इश्क्-ए-हकीकी ।

सूफीहरू भन्दछन्, कसैलाई आफू समर्पित गरिदिनु, आफ्नो अहङ्कारलाई निमिट्यान्न पार्नु नै ईश्क--मजाजी हो। प्रेम, उदाङ्गो हुनु हो, आफ्नो अहम लार्इ आफ्नो प्रेमको सामु नष्ट गरिदिनु हो। तर त्यतिले मात्र प्रेमातृप्त होइन्छ र ? त्यो त प्रेमको गहिरो खाँच र खुम्चा ओर्लेको मात्र हो। प्रेमको टाकुरा, चुचुरो टेक्न त बाँकी नै छ। प्रेमको यो चरणलाई सूफीहरू, ईश्क--हकीकी अर्थात वास्तविक प्रेम भन्दछन्। यो नै दिव्य प्रेम या मनुष्यको परात्माप्रतिको प्रेम राग हो। यो अवस्थामा परमात्मासँग उच्चतम् प्रेम हुन्छ र उनको नै गुणगान गरिन्छ। सृजनाले आफ्नो सर्जकप्रति राखेको अद्भुत र अद्वितीय प्रेम छताछुल्ल हुन्छ। ईश्क--मजाजीमा जे-जस्ता कमी र कमजोरीहरू हुन्छन्, ती कुनैपनि ईश्क--हकीकीमा हुँदैनन्। यहाँ आईपुग्दा जम्मै अपूर्णता हराइ सक्दछन्, सबै पूर्ण हुन्छ। सबै पवित्र भइसक्छ र प्रेम गर्ने स्वयं परमात्मारुपि हुनजान्छ।यहाँसम्म आइपुग्दा जम्मै सिमाहरू मेटिइसक्छन् र प्रेमी कसैको सामुन्ने, या स्वयं परमात्माको सामुन्ने आफ्नो प्रेम उद्घोष गर्न, बदनाम हुन, उदाङ्गिएर नाङ्गो हुन र आफू मेटिनसम्म तयार हुन्छन्। ब्यक्तिगत अहमको यहाँ स्थान त के, चर्चा समेत हुँदैन। यत्रतत्र, सर्वत्र प्रेमीको छवि देखिन्छ र त्यसैमा लीन र एकाकार होइन्छ। सूफी मत छ, जबसम्म कुनै ब्यक्तिको ईश्क--मजाजी, ईश्क--हकीकीमा रुपान्तरण हुँदैन तबसम्म उसको जीवनले कुनै र केही अर्थ राख्दैन। 

त्यसैले सूफीहरूको साधनानै ईश्क--हकीकीको अनुभव प्राप्त गर्नु हो। प्रेमको द्वारबाट आफ्नो प्रियतमसँगको एकाकारसम्म पुग्नु हो। उनीहरूले गाउनु, नाँच्नु, लेख्नु र जुनसुकै कृत्य, ईश्क--हकीकी हो। यस्तो अवस्थामानै ईश्क--हकीकी गजलको आगमन भएको हो। अर्थात्, दिव्य गजल त्यस्तो ईश्क--हकीकीको भावले ओतप्रोत भएको अवस्थामा लेखिन्छ। जबसम्म प्रेममा आफू बाँकी होइन्छ, आफ्नो प्रयास जारी रहन्छ, त्यो ईश्क--मजाजी हो। तर, जब सबै प्रयासहरू समाप्त भइसक्छन्, सबैथोक आफ्नो प्रेमी, मुर्शिद (गुरु) या खुदा (परमात्मा) लाई समर्पित गरिन्छ, तत्पश्चात जुन प्रेमरसको अनुभूति हुन्छ, त्यो ईश्क--हकीकी हो। त्यस्तो प्रेमरसको भावले ओतप्रोत भएर लेखिएको गजल ईश्क--हकीकी गजल हो। तसर्थ, दिव्य गजल, गजल रचना मात्र हैन, साधना हो, दिव्य प्रेमको। त्यो प्रत्येक प्रेमी साधककालागि उसको प्रियतमले दिएको प्रियतम उपहार हो, प्रसाद हो। त्यसैले दिव्य गजल रचनागायनको प्रथम शर्तनै ऊ आफ्नो प्रियतम या मुर्शिद या गुरुको दिव्यप्रेममा डुबेको हुनपर्दछ। अन्यथा त्यस्तो रचना सम्भव छैन। 


सामान्यतया नेपाली समाजमा उपलब्ध गजलहरू, ईश्क--मजाजी गजल अन्तर्गत पर्दछन्। अर्थात, अहिले प्रचलित गजलहरूमा प्रेमी-प्रेमीका आफ्नो साथी सामु आफ्नो अहम् बिसर्जन गर्छन्, अर्थात उदाङ्गो हुन्छन्। नाङ्गिन्छन्। अझ त्योभन्दापनि तल झरेर एकअर्काको शरीर र अङ्गहरूको बर्णन र बिषयभोगको आवेदनमा नै अल्झिएका देखिन्छन्। यस किसिमले यहाँ प्रेम शुद्ध भइसकेको छैन, बासनायुक्त छ। तर दिव्य गजल नेपाली समाजमा लोकप्रिय भएमा त्यसले प्रेमको गुणवत्ता र मानकनै फेरिदिनेछ जहाँ प्रेमीहरू आफ्ना भाव र अभिष्ट भन्दा माथि उक्लेर आ-आफ्ना साथीमा परमात्माको छवि देख्न थाल्नेछन्। यसरी दिव्यगजलले मनुष्यलाई, मनुष्यताबाट दिव्यतामा रूपान्तरित हुने प्रेरणा दिन्छ र प्रार्थनाको पथमा डोर्यायउँछ। दिव्यगजल, यस अर्थमा एउटा छुट्टै जीवनशैली या आध्यात्म दर्शन हो जसमा समाज रुपान्तरणको प्रभावकारी उद्गमविन्दु हुने क्षमता छ। त्यसैले अब हामी सबैले हाम्रो प्रेममय जीवनलाई इश्क--मजाजीबाट, इश्क--हकीकीतिर लानुपर्छ। प्रेम दिव्य अनुभव हो। त्यसलाई त्यसैगरि ज्युनपर्छ। हरेक जीवन दिव्य हुनपर्छ, हरेक कृत्य दिव्य हुनपर्छ। हाम्रा हरेक सृजना दिव्य हुनपर्छ। हामीले दिव्य रच्नुपर्छ, दिव्य बाँच्नुपर्छ।

प्रेमको उच्च उत्कण्ठा, आदर्श र अनुभवमा आधारित्, गजल लेखनको प्रारम्भिक अभ्यास हामी केहि साथीसङ्गीहरूले सुरु गरेका छौँ। यस जमर्को बारे केहि उत्साही गजलकार मित्रहरू जिज्ञासु पायौँ। तसर्थ, गजलको यो दिव्य आयमको परिचय गराउने र सो लेखनमार्गमा उन्मुख गर्न गराउन यो हाम्रो प्रारम्भिक प्रयास हो। गजलको रेडियो कार्यक्रम बुल्बुलु मा र कोहलपुरका गजलप्रेमीका जमघटमा, श्री सुवास अगमले स्वामी प्रेमशान्तका गजलहरू (म नाचिरहेछु) र (सल्काउन गार्हो) लगायत अरुपनि यसै धारका गजल गाएपछि, अब हाम्रो समाजमा, सूफी समाज मा झैं दिव्य गजलले स्थान पाउने वा बनाउने मात्र हैन, एउटा सार्थक र बलियो धार स्थापना गर्नेछ र यहाँहरूको भावपूर्ण साथ पाउनेछ भन्ने विश्वास भएको छ। हामीहरूलाई सुझाव दिनुहोस् र सल्लाह दिएर हाम्रो मार्ग प्रसस्त गर्नुहोस् भन्ने अनुरोध गर्दछाै ।

 स्वामि प्रेम शान्तम् / सुवास अगम

Sunday 16 August 2015

How Thoughts Create Matter by Rasheed Ali

Did you ever have the feeling right before something good happened, that you knew it was going to happen?
Most people don't understand it, and think it's ESP or something like of that nature.
In the book Think And Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill, he says "...thought, backed by strong DESIRE, has the tendency to transmute itself into its physical equivalent."
Very Powerful stuff!
As I like to say, "Matter is Merely Materialized Thought...So What Are You Thinking?"
Many people have asked me what that means, so here's an explanation...
Back in 1937 when Napoleon Hill published his book Think And Grow Rich, he knew something very powerful but, I'm not certain the science behind it was so well understood. Of course, the principle was very well understood and probably by Mr. Hill more than anyone!
Here's the short not too scientific explanation:
Everything we see on any given day is made up of not just cells or atoms but, of PURE ENERGY.
This energy is called Quanta (plural for Quantum). Keep in mind Quanta is the unit measure of pure energy. These Quanta are part of what Quantum Physics is based on.
This energy exists only when observed. (There are a lot of arguments about observation and they all have their validity but lets keep it simple.)
Scientists say that Quanta are not a reality but instead they are a probability that exist in any given point in time. So when a person focuses on (observes) a thing, it exists!
This is because this Quanta, is now formed into the thing whatever it may be.
Many scientist, Einstein included have proved that Quanta are not bound to space and time and can exist anywhere.
These scientists also understand that your mind, body and soul are also made up of these Quanta and Quanta are influenced by other Quanta.
In other words your mind and the minds of others, create and co-create everything through influencing Quanta!
Now here's the practical explanation:
Knowing now what your mind is capable of, if you were to focus your own energy into creating what you desire in your mind with crystal clarity, it will come to you at amazing speed!
Now, this creation process is not just thought. It is both thought and work! These two together seal the deal.
This is why many of the experts out there tell you that you just can't be scattered. You have to focus on your ultimate goal.
Guess what? They are all right! All of these things together solidify what you're thinking.
THIS my friend is the "Secret" behind all of the Goal setting, the Meditation, the Master-Minding, Learning, Persistence, Action, Desire and Faith that we all are told that we must have or do.
Without these, our thoughts are controlled by outside influence and we lose our clarity and focus.
Have you ever heard, a successful person talk about how fast success seemed to come to them and how well they did in no time flat? I've heard many of these. The reason is that they knew exactly what they wanted and worked toward it. Simple as that.
One such example is a man by the name of Matt Bacak - who is actually one of the inspirations for this article. I was on a tele-seminar with Matt once and he talked about how everything came to him so fast, once he knew what he wanted and started working toward it. Matt didn't know it but, his thoughts triggered my thoughts and the creation of this article!
Make no mistake, that although there are scientific explanations for the creation of matter through observation; WHO do you think created the matter in the mirror?
After all do you think that science didn't have a master observer?
Finally with that said...
Be cautious of your thoughts, they have the power to create!
Author Bio
Rasheed Ali was once homeless and penniless on the streets of New York and is now helping to change the lives of THOUSANDS of people around the world with his innovative coaching, mentoring and newsletters. He is the worlds first Solution Coach and 80/20 Mentor. You can learn more about him and his newsletters at
Article Source: - Free Website Content

Saturday 15 August 2015

You Are The One You Were Waiting For

We are Love Beings & should therefore live in Love Consciousness 
You Are The One You Were Waiting For

It is so simple. We human beings tend to make things so difficult. But in reality, it is very simple. Love is the most powerful energy there is on our planet and everything is based on the consciousness of our planet. How do we switch the consciousness of our planet from ego into love? By being loving beings. And how do you be a loving being? And this is why I’m teaching everywhere to share this message.

My message is remember who you are. This is 
absolutely vital to the equation. How can you be a loving being if you don’t even know who you are? How do you not judge someone if you don’t know who you are? Or for a moment, let’s realize that you each, every single one of us have a great I am, a soul, a spirit. And that the old paradigm of religion, of man-made religion, and all of these rules to be a good person, or a sinner or a saint, or to live perfectly get to heaven. Let’s set that down for a moment. That is something that man has made all of these rules to gain power and control over the human body, the human being. But for a moment, let’s think to ourselves: God has created you. And if God is your parent then you are, too, a god and goddess. And your great I am is God and goddess. It exists just like all of the love and energy that has created the universe. You’ve exist on a much higher level. Your sour and sprit does exist. And you are a great I am. And it is you who chose to send you to this planet. Not someone else. Not a man up there called a God who is a man and decided “You go to planet Earth, it’s going to be very, very hard.” And I’m going to erase your memory of everything and of me and it’s gonna be very difficult. But if you don’t live perfectly, you can’t come back to heaven. This do not happen. You are a great I am. You have a vast spirit – a consciousness. And you chose to send a spark of you to this planet. You chose. And it is you who loves you more than anything else ever could. You. You’re a great I am. You’re – you’re everything. And you sent a spark of yourself up here to gain a body, to have an experience, to learn and to grow and to come to this Earth’s school. And it is you. You’re a great I am watching over every second of every day. Every moment of your life is given to you by you. Your great I am is moving you around. You’re like a chess piece on a board. Every person you come in contact with, every experience – good or bad, easy or hard – is given to you by you to have the experience. To learn and to grow in your consciousness. When you know this, you realize that you are perfect. Your journey is given to you by you. And you get everything that you need the very moment that you need it. It is the same for me. It is the same for every person on this planet. In this known, the moment that you realize this, you are truly free, because you realize “I cannot, as an individual, judge anybody else on this planet. They are receiving the journey that they need by the person who loves them the most and knows exactly what they need every moment of everyday. Their own great I am. Everybody’s journey is given to them by them. And I cannot judge anybody for the journey that they’re on – whether I disagree with it or agree with it, whether I like what they are doing or believe in. It’s none of my business and I cannot judge that because it is given to them by their great I am, just like my journey is mine. This does not mean that we just have to ignore somebody that’s hurting another person. I always use this example. Woman in Copenhagen then asked me: If I know my neighbour is beating his wife, do I just let that go because that’s his journey? That’s her journey? Absolutely not. The moment that you know he is beating his wife, this has become a part of your journey. Your great I am gave you this knowledge for some reason. Now what is the best thing you can do at this moment? Every experience of everyday is given to you by you. And in every moment, you can ask yourself: what is the best decision, the best choice, from love, from my heart that I can make right now? And when you are living in this way, you know that you’re living in love. You know that you cannot judge a human being. You know you can support people, love people for who they are, for the journey that they’re on. 
You can love yourself as the great I am. You can lot go for being angry at God for the hardships and in your life. I know that you gave it to you to learn something great. That you can let go of anger and judgment and move forward in love. True love. 
Kiesha Crowther, “Little Grandmother,”

Kiesha Crowther, also known as “Little Grandmother,”

began receiving direct teachings from the spirit world and Mother Earth as a child who spent much time alone in the wilderness. As a child, she spent long periods of time alone in the wilderness, where she lived with and learned from the four-legged, one-legged, winged-ones and swimmers, as well as the star and stone people. Her young life was marked by many unusual experiences and abilities that she did not understand. As a child, she had been taught by the ancestors, grandmothers past, and Mother Earth, and was known for her ability to sense and communicate with wild animals and to see and work with energy.
Since being initiated on her path as Shaman and wisdom keeper at the age of 30, Kiesha has begun to share teachings and to conduct ceremonies and healing for the benefit of humanity and Mother Earth. She feels her responsibility to be carrying and communicating earth wisdom and the ancient knowledge for our current age. Toward this end, she has released videos of her talks, which are freely available on YouTube and which have been viewed by hundreds of thousands of people so far all over the globe. Her work as a Wisdom Keeper also includes the planting of sacred crystals in very specific locations around the world for the renewal and strengthening of Mother Earth’s precious ley lines. Her powerful message emphasizes how to shift individual and planetary consciousness, how to live in the heart in right relationship with Mother Earth, and to remember who we are–
Little Grandmother resides in Maastricht, The Netherlands at the moment.
Contact her at:

If you want to hear and see her then here are few videos of her discourse

What you seek is seeking you: Rumi


Cha ke ke lukeko sajal ti nayan maa

Creativity is the greatest rebellion in existence : Osho


I don't know what I think until I write it down: Joan Didion