a Neo Sannyashi / Modern Monk . a poetry writer and reader. a music & raiki healing teacher. the founder and co-director of Arambha Theatre. a witty banter enthusiast. a travel lover. a documentary filmmaker. a foodie. a playwright. a singer. a songwriter. a photographer. a theater actor . a author & editor for the blog & up coming Novel . a Libra. a mediocre driver at best. a musical theater geek. a smoothie expert. the son of a Leftist father . a South East Asian. a introvert . an alum of the Shree Daunne Higher Secondary School Gyanvatika and a undergraduate of the Ratna Rajya Laxmi Campus .Student of Tribhuvan University Masters Program in the English Literature. an Authorized Modern Singer of Radio Nepal .
Suvas Agam's Ghazal , Chant , New-Age Song , Jamming , Concert & Spiritual Video Playlist as featured on YouTube homepage. See Here YouTube
Interview of Suvas Agam on Achyut Ghimire's radio show Bulbul at Ujyalo 90 FM Jaulakhel, Nepal on 6th & 13th June 2012 with Many Live Ghazal records too . These series of interview are the milestone that made him know to world.
Bulbul Episode 145 , Bulbul Episode 146
Bulbul Episode 145 , Bulbul Episode 146
In Sound Cloud you will see Suvas's song Playlist. That you can hear, download and share with friends . Click here Sound Cloud
An exclusive interview of Suvas Agam at Tinau 98.2 FM Butwal, Nepal on 6th Nov 2012 Tuesday . The program was hosted by Ashok Gautm Kshitiz on show called Sparsha .
Chick here for INTERVIEW

An exclusive Live Ghazal Concert and Interview with Suvas Agam and Ram Atul along with few ghazal lovers at Synergy FM 91.6 MHz Chitwan, Nepal on 1st March 2014 Saturday . Program was hosted by Bhawana Pathak . Click here for INTERVIEW

Get connected with Suvas through Instagram . Click here
Get connected with Suvas through Twitter . See his latest tweets. Click Here Twitter
Here you can see the articles by Suvas Agam on Spiritual , Sustainable Alternative Lifestyle , Literal , Musical & Many More Topics. Click Here Blogger

ReplyDeletema tapai ko thuprai interview haru hereko chu sabi utkrista nai chan tahapi euta sujhab k cha vane. Some time tapaile jasko interview lii rahanuvayeko huncha wanha haru bata prasanga bas miss garnai nahune gyan haru auna thale ko huncha but tapai thik teti nai bela arko prasna wa prasnga nikalnu huncha jasle garda tyo thos gyan darsak samu aaundaina jun hamro lagi thulo loss ho vanne malai lagcha. Ra asali gyani haru le testa kura aafain le prasanga nikalera feri kuralai kotayera puna dohoryaundainan because they do`nt need to prove anything. so please testa gyan ka flow lai chain prasna haru le break nagardinu hola. wish you well .Dhaneywad
ReplyDeleteमेरा पिता स्व. डा. ज्ञानलाल श्रेष्ठले संस्कृत विश्व भाषा हाे (Sanskrit- The Global Language) नामक पुस्तक लेख्नु भएकाे छ । सुभाष सर तथा लाेक मणी सरलाइ एक, एक कपि टक्रयाउन गर्न चाहन्छु । मेराे नं. ९८१०१९८३१८ हाे । कृपया, कसरी सम्पर्क गर्न सकिन्छ हाेला?